A person’s body will create fat cells at only two developmental stages in life. The first stage occurs during embryotic development in utero (development in the uterus). The second stage of development occurs when one goes through puberty. Shedding excess weight can prove difficult as genetics, age, diet and loss of mobility are all risk factors for fat accumulation.

There are different types of body fat such as essential, subcutaneous and visceral fat which harbour specific fat cells serving a role within the body.

Essential fat – essential for your life and a healthy functioning body. This fat is found in your:

  • brain
  • bone marrow
  • nerves
  • membranes that protect your organs

Essential fat plays a major role in hormone regulation, including the hormones that control fertility, vitamin absorption, and temperature regulation.

Subcutaneous fat – refers to the fat stored under the skin. The majority of our body fat is subcutaneous. It’s the fat that you can squeeze or pinch on your arms, belly, thighs, and buttocks. A certain amount of subcutaneous fat is normal and healthy, but too much can lead to imbalanced hormone levels and sensitivity.

Visceral fat –  also known as “belly fat,” is the white fat that’s stored in your abdomen and around all of your major organs, such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, and heart. High visceral fat levels can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, artery disease, and some cancers.

What are the benefits of body fat?

Body composition is very important. Your body will function best with an appropriate overall fat percentage. Having a healthy body fat percentage provides many benefits, such as:

  • temperature regulation
  • balanced hormone levels
  • better reproductive health
  • adequate vitamin storage
  • good neurological function
  • healthy metabolism
  • balanced blood sugar

Risks of having too much fat?

Having too much white fat, particularly visceral fat, can be harmful to your health. Visceral fat can increase your risk for the following health conditions:

  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • coronary artery disease
  • atherosclerosis
  • pregnancy complications
  • type 2 diabetes
  • hormone disturbances
  • some cancers

How can someone reduce fat?

Body fat can be reduced through diet, medication (underlying cause) and exercise. Although, fat can be hard to shift with diet and exercise alone, and therefore we use a combination of clinically proven technologies to help sculpt and refine your figure. At Oo La La Cosmetic & Laser Clinic we reduce fat through  non-invasive treatments include Endymed Body Contouring and Icoone and Fat Freezing.

We highly recommend a consultation to determine your treatment options. Please call us on (07) 5539 9534 to book.